Saturday, January 9, 2010

No recovery needed...WHO KNEW! Part Three.

So I don't really remember exactly how many contractions it took to push Avery out but it wasn't very many. I do remember at one point I was REALLY screaming and even said to Chris that I didn't think I could do it anymore; HA as if I had a choice! But with Chris right by my side, my sister yelling from behind her camera lens and my mom encouraging me I did do it. Avery came out and they immediately put her on my chest. I was shaking so bad and crying but I had done it. Within minutes my hands felt almost normal again, my muscles started to relax and Avery was crying in my arms. I actually remember seeing her being put on my stomach, a memory I don't have from when Sam was born.
Less than an two hours after Avery was born I was feeling pretty good. I could talk, move around, sit up and I even walked myself to the bathroom and took a shower. It took almost a day before I felt like that after Sam. I had no idea how different the recovery would be after a natural child birth. Or maybe it was because it was my second or a combination of both, I don't know. But it was awesome. I love that I have real memories from the actual labor of Avery. I love that I could actually enjoy her first moments with Chris. I love that my mom, sister and dad were there to see the struggle and then the joy of those first moments afterward.
The whole thing was a truly AMAZING experience.

*My family left to head back to St. Louis just a little while ago. While they were here they took care of Sam for three days, cooked multiple meals, did laundry, took care of our dog and took some of the most amazing pictures of Avery (thank you JOJO!). It was more help than I could have imagined and it was just really nice to be able to bring Avery home surrounded by family. John and Kathy, Chris's parents, are here now. Kathy has already gone to the grocery store, played with Sam, cleaned up our living room and cooked lunch. I think I am getting spoiled! It could be a pretty huge shock when we are without family next week and I actually have to cook for myself!
I am feeling really good today. Avery is eating well and did much better last night with her sleeping. And who said this two kid thing was difficult? I fed Avery while playing blocks with Sam! I can totally do this. Right?

1 comment:

Jen said...

You CAN totally do this! Natural childbirth is really empowering, and the quick recovery makes it so easy to hop back into taking care of other children too. I'm so happy for you! And glad you have such wonderful family. Enjoy it!