Thursday, August 26, 2010

if you have ever had a conversation with me, I am SO sorry

Looking through the boat photos I found this series of lovely photos taken by my darling husband. Now at first glance I thought they were just REALLY bad photos but then Chris reminded me that this was when he just kept shooting pictures while I was having a conversation! Seriously! I look this ridiculous when I am talking? And I am just talking about the face and hands, let's not talk about the fact that the dress I chose to wear is making me look like I am eight months pregnant!!

What I have to say is NEVER that exciting! What the heck?

I think being an over-animated talker (the title I am now giving myself!) should be one of those things in life that people are required to tell you about. Like having a bugger hanging out or food stuck in your teeth! You just don't let someone walk around acting like this!

My victim during this conversation...the poor Uncle Carl. Clearly the rest of the family had not warned him! Sorry Carl.


Chris said...

I never intended for anyone to see those, I was just trying for candid shots for you while you were talking. I can't believe you posted them!

amber said...

I personally love how animated you are when you talk. You look lovely in the photos, stop being so hard on yourself! :)

Amy said...

This cracked me up! Thanks for the laugh tonight! (We have this in common, unfortunately.)

Thank you for coming by my blog and letting me know about your sister!

Tami Scheidel said...

I have to say I've seen you do the same while teaching at CWES....keeps the kids attention though!!!!