Weighing in at....16lbs and 1.3 oz (84%).
Height is....25.2 inches (93%).
Head circumference....43.2 cm (95%).
I was excited for this appointment because four months means we get the ok to start solid foods! But that wasn't exactly what she recommended. Apparently now they suggest waiting until SIX MONTHS! HA! My child needs to eat real food. So this is what I think of the doctors recommendation...
Okay, I am not that bold. I did actually get the okay from the doctor for her to start food. She said that Avery would tell me if she wasn't ready for solids.
I just don't understand how pediatric medicine can change SO much from one child to the next; its crazy.
And here are two full bellied, happy girls from this afternoon!
1 comment:
you go girl, fill that belly. Hope they sleep good tonight! Can't wait for next week when they are at grandma's and paw paw's.
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