Wednesday, May 26, 2010

BAD dog day

Polly rolled on a dead bird!! And not just a little rolling, but like ground the bird into her back!

She does this all the time with her tennis balls so when she was doing it this morning in the front yard I didn't think anything of it. But then I thought to myself that there were no tennis balls out there so what was she rolling on? I yelled at her to stop and then went over and looked.

Until I have the time and energy to give her a bath she is tied up outside in the back yard. She is not an outside dog and it is 85+ degrees today so this is pretty much torture for her.

Girls aren't really napping very well today so I am not sure when the dog bath will happen but I guess I better get off the computer and see what I can do.

DAMN DOG! Anyone want a very smelly golden retriever?

1 comment:

Jen said...

Ew ew ew! This combines nearly every element of my worst nightmares!