Let's start with a craft project that Sam and I did last week. I got the idea from here but she got the idea from here . I put the tape on the paper myself and started out thinking that I should try and make it look like Sam did it, but then I decided that maybe it would be more fun to do some cool stuff with the tape! This was probably the best painting job Sam did; she had a great time with this craft.
Sam is changing super fast right now. She loves to sing with me and is starting to remember the words and motions to certain songs. She can count to 15 fairly consistently. Although sometimes she likes to jump around with her numbers. She is also giving up her nap it seems, throws tantrums daily and loves to completely ignore my instructions. But her fake smile sure is cute!
We had a wedding last night in Milwaukee and had a great time. Avery came with us but we got a nice break from Sam, who stayed at the apartment with Chris's cousin Amanda. We got all dressed up, saw friends we hadn't seen in a while and ate amazing food. We couldn't stay over night in Milwaukee so we didn't drink that much so that we could make the almost two hour drive back. We were exhausted when we finally got home last night and are pretty tired today but all-in-all it was great to have a date night.
In other news...
I started running this week and it feels amazing! I love taking just a little bit of time for me to do something that makes me feel so much better about myself. My legs are sore and my lungs hurt because it is still pretty cold here, but who cares I am determined to lose this baby weight!
I am meeting with the moving company at our house in Point on Tuesday to do a walk through of our house and see how much it will cost to have a company come in and pack up the whole house, store it for us until we have a new house and then move it into the new house. We just decided that even though this is not the way that I wanted to pack up our house it will be the easiest since trying to pack ourselves with the two kids and no family in town would be way too tough! But the good news is that after just a few more "hoops" to jump through our house should be SOLD! We will close on March 19th if things work out. We are so happy to be moving on.
We have found a house that we love outside of Madison but I don't want to talk too much about it yet because I don't want to jinx anything! When we are a bit further along in the process I will fill you all in.
Avery will be two months in just a few short days! The time has just flown by. Is it horrible that I still haven't sent out a birth announcement?
Okay, I think that is all for now. Hope you all had a great weekend.