Thursday, October 28, 2010

picture updates

I know I haven't been around lately. I am struggling with time management right now in juggling the two blogs but I am also struggling with stuff to write about over here. Okay, thats not entirely true. There is a lot I would like to complain about, vent about and get advice about but finding the time to focus on this blog is hard right now because I am trying so hard to grow Greening right now.

So anyway, today was not the day to squeeze in a major post over here because I am trying to get ready for the statewide environmental education conference at which I am presenting about Greening Sam and Avery! Super excited to share with my peers what I have been up to and what I hope it will become but I am also very nervous about how it will be received.

Pictures will have to do for now!

Be back soon I promise.

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