She screams when Sam takes a toy away from her.
She wants to eat only the food that we are eating and has almost entirely given up baby food even though she has only four teeth.
She has no fear of climbing up the stairs and tries daily (yes we know we need to get a gate).
She has a big head and knows how to avoid hitting it when reaching for a toy under any table.
She eats cheerios and other small food items by curling her pointer finger around them, not picking them up with her finger and thumb.
She screams when she wants to go down the one stair in our family room but is too scared to try it herself.
She loves crawling in the grass.
She crawls from one bedroom to the other as fast as she can trying to entice Sam to chase her. But even if no one chases her she will continue to just crawl as fast as she can all over the upstairs, with no apparent destination or end in mind.
She loves being tickled.
She will play peek-a-boo with anyone that is willing.
She screams when I am trying to feed her something that she doesn't want to eat.
She hates getting dressed and will wiggle, flop, flail and do anything else to make it impossible to get her limbs into her clothes.
She loves the bath.
She screams when she sees a bottle but no one is handing it to her.
She loves the flop.
Please ignore the ridiculous faces that I am making. And did I mention that she screams.
She is nine months old, not gaining weight right now according to her most recent doctor's visit, developmentally delayed in her fine motor skills and speech (also according to our most recent doc's visit), full of life and energy and the funniest person in this house most days. The weight thing worries me a little but I know it will pass. The delayed piece did have me very freaked out but I have decided to give her some time to see if she will catch up on her own before I call the specialist that the doc recommended. I believe children develop at their own pace and the fact that she can walk assisted by furniture or us already (which is way earlier than Sam did) makes me think that maybe she is just choosing what she wants to work on right now and speech and picking up cheerios the way the rest of the world does just aren't things she cares about.
She has a personality that is all her own.