Wednesday, December 3, 2008

she screams

I sit here in my kitchen working on our dinner and writing to all of you and she is in her bed screaming. We are breaking her of her bad habit routine that we created. Her bedtime routine for the past 8 months has been dinner, bath, bottle while cuddling on the couch and then she goes to bed. However every night she falls asleep while taking the bottle in our arms and then we just lay her in bed already asleep. It works wonderfully and she goes to bed and sleeps all night. BUT she is horrible at napping. I have to do a similar routine during the day, taking at least a half hour to get her to take a nap that rarely lasts longer than an hour. She cannot put herself to sleep. I am sick of having to spend most of my day figuring out how I am going to get her to go to sleep. I know that this is a horrible time to be trying this, she is teething, learning to crawl, just getting over an ear infection and the holidays are right around the corner where her schedule will get all messed up, but I just have to try. I feel like a horrible mom right now listening to her cry but I HAVE to do this. I WILL DO THIS! And I know that Sam will be okay. But it is still hard.

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