Sam will be five months tomorrow. I cannot believe it is possible for her to be that old. But she is and I am really enjoying this time right now. There are so many things that I just love about her at this stage.
Favorite #1:
I love her "wake up" smile. Each time she wakes up, either from a nap or in the morning, when she sees me over the side of her crib she gets the biggest smile on her face. She starts to wiggle around and look at me as if to say "Okay, pick me up now, lets go!". I think the wake up smile is the most beautiful smile that she has.
Favorite #2:
I love that I can read her anything. At this stage the content of what I am reading doesn't really matter. I mean she can't say "Mom this is boring, lets read Dr. Seuss". And so Sam and I are reading Aldo Leopold's "Sand County Almanac"; it is one of my favorite books. A lot of the words are over my head so I don't think Sam understands any of it but she sits and looks at me while I read and enjoy Leopold.
Favorite #3:
I love her stages of anger. She doesn't usually just break into an all out cry. There are several stages of frustration and anger that she goes through first. She first has to get just a little frustrated and lets me know with grunting and wiggling. The grunting is not that loud but unattended will increase in volume and amount. The grunting gradually turns into yelling and talking, letting me know that she is getting angry and wants my attention. Finally mixed in with the yelling will be small whimpers with the cutest little tears beginning to form (is it sad that I think her tears are cute?). Finally the wailing begins and full fledge water works erupt. Now this whole process can take a long time or just a few seconds depending on whether or not she gets distracted in the middle and has to start all over again. I know someday she will figure out that if she cuts straight to the wailing she will get her way faster so I am enjoying this process while it is still around.
Favorite #4:
I love her "Don't take away my bottle!" screams. So I know in the last one I said that she doesn't break straight into crying but the one time that she does involves her bottle. We have figured out that in order to minimize her spitting up we have to burp her more often during her feedings. So after a couple of ounces we have to pull the bottle out of her mouth and attempt to burp her. Now sometimes when we do this she will immediately begin screaming. Why do I enjoy this you ask? Well, in my mind it makes me smile because I know that she can't possibly be SO hungry that she needs to scream like that, she is just pissed. I try to tell her that she is okay and will get the bottle back in a second but she doesn't listen and continues to cry. Someday that crying will turn into "Mooooommmm, I am huuuungrrrrry. What's for dinner?" and at that point I think I will miss this crying stage.
Favorite #5:
I love her lack of depth perception. She still struggles a bit with making instant contact with her hand and toys that are in front of her. It amuses me to watch her miss on her first attempt sometimes. Gosh I hope it is normal for babies to still be working on this at five months and that I am not enjoying a symptom of a larger developmental problem.
Favorite #6:
Lastly, I love that she is my little girl and is actually still little. I know very soon she will be a "big girl" and not want to be called little anymore. But right now I just love cuddling with her still tucked nicely in my arms, head resting on my shoulder. She is my little girl and I am glad I get to enjoy that just a little while longer.
Happy Five months sweetheart...please don't grow up too fast.
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