Sunday, February 7, 2010

Avery has a rash.

And I know I am a bad mom for saying this out loud but the rash has led me to take less pictures! Combine that with a couple pretty rough days last week, a lot of house decisions and stress (I don't want to jinx anything so I am not going into details yet but things are looking up!), a visit from family and just a lack of motivation and the result is less blog updates. Of course the mommy guilt is kicking in full force because Avery hit the one month mark on Friday and I did nothing to acknowledge it. Several times that day I thought about how I needed to write something emotional, memorable and sweet to her on here but I didn't have the words or energy to tackle it.

Avery has had this rash for a while now and I truly meant to call the doctor about it on Friday but that was one of my rough days and I just didn't get around to it. This weekend the rash seems to be getting worse and of course it is primarily just on her face. Monday I am for sure calling the doctor.

But we have had a pretty good weekend. Great Grandma and Grandpa Hill came to visit on Saturday which is always nice. The live closer now that we are in Madison so coming over for the day is much easier. They got to meet Avery, play with Sam and we had a nice lunch out. Today we went house shopping! At first it was a little disappointing because some of the houses that looked great on paper and on the computer were pretty horrible in person. But then we saw one that just really got us excited and seemed like a good fit. We have many more to see but will certainly be keeping that one on the short list!

The camera has come out a few times in the last week...

My poor little girl and her rash covered face.


Katie said...

I'm sure this isn't what it is...but when Ikaika was super newborn and we were staying with my parents in Seattle and it was REALLY cold (blizzard time) he got this horrible red face rash thing that was like a tomato! It was awful. Looking back at pictures I find it hard to believe cold weather alone could have done that to him but apparently it did because once we got to Hawaii it cleared right up. Go figure.

Holly said...

Are you sure it's not just baby acne? Lily had that pretty bad when she was about a month old. It lasted a few weeks and then went away. I'm sure whatever it is that it's not too serious. :-) And I'm crossing my fingers for you guys that some happy house news comes your way. I know how out of whack I've felt around here just with our house out of order with finishing our basement. I just can't imagine dealing with the whole apartment thing and house uncertainty that you guys have dealt with. You are sure a trooper!

Jodie Allen said...

ab i'm sure it's acne. it can come anytime after 2 weeks and can stay for quite some time. if she doesn't have a fever or any other symptoms i'm sure that's it! bailey had it forever it seemed! drove me CRAZY! but don't call the doc and don't worry, it's normal!

mGk said...

take a deep breath... it looks like baby acne (which I know two people have said before me...). Both Madeline and Lydia had it, and it doesn't bother them at all. I do totally know what you mean about not wanting to take photos though... it isn't the prettiest stuff. Madeline's stuck around for a few months and Lydia's was gone in just a few weeks.

Colleen Stock said...

I'd say it's baby acne too. We used neutrogena soap and it cleared it right up. Just took a couple days to clear up.
Your girls are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

My son had that same thing when he was a baby. Our doctor told us to get Lubriderm extra therapy lotion and apply it several times a day. After a couple of days the rash looked much better.

If you feel better taking her to the doctor, then I would. I've always taken my kids ... even if only for peace of mind. It's worth it!

Pat Lawhorn said...

Bless her heart - I hope it isn't as painful as it looks!

Abbie said...

Thank you all so much for the great comments and advice. I ended up not calling the doctor today because you all made me feel better about the rash. It is so nice to hear that other babies have had this and that it will go away. I love the support and comfort that I get from this blog! THANK YOU!