Monday, January 7, 2013

my baby turned 3

I don't know how it is even possible that I have a three year old. It really does feel like I was driving down University Ave on the way to the hospital to give birth just a few days ago.  But she is a strong, independent and creative three year old. She still has a little bit of baby in her (refusing to potty train all the way, her addiction to her pacifier and lots of cuddle time still required) which I know some of it needs to go away very soon. But for now we are just loving every little bit of her.

This year we celebrated her birthday with my parents and cousins. I started her birthday off with a birthday surprise on her door.
 I used saran-wrap and painters tape to fill the space in front of her door with balloons. Then when she opened the door the balloons would fall into her room on top of her. Now there is currently so much static in our house that the balloons did not fall on her quite the way I hoped they would but she was still super surprised and excited by all the balloons.

There was lots of outdoor play time over the weekend in the little bit of snow that we had left.
 And then of course there were presents and cake!

 This present was from Avery's cousin Bailey. It is a "color your own puzzle" puzzle. And Bailey clearly spent a lot of time working on this gift. Avery and Sam have both done this puzzle probably a dozen times. It is truly a very special gift.

 One thing we got Avery is a tiger umbrella. She loved it and Parker was so happy for her! I just love the look on Parker's face!
 A happy little birthday girl!!

My baby is growing up way too fast! Every birthday I really get a great reminder of just how fast they grow and how I need to treasure and enjoy every day that I have with them while they are still young. Hold them more, cuddle more, tickle and laugh more, play more and read more. I need to yell less, be stressed and in a hurry less and have more patience with my little ones.  I need to be their biggest cheerleader, their best teacher and the mom they can't get enough of!

Happy Third Birthday Avery. I love you very much!


Anonymous said...

I love that ending, so easy to say, so hard to remember. Wish I had time back to cuddle and love on you and your sister more!

amber said...

Wait....what? That sweet girl is three already? Impossible! You are such a great mama. Happy birthday to Miss Avery! :)